
Selling point: Easy one-click login with your Twitch account, see all games available to you, click "Claim key" to receive your copy immediately!

The purpose of this site is to provide Twitch Influencers with free games to play in their channels.
How is this possible?
Easy. Game developers want their games to be noticed by your viewers. Hopefully your viewers will like the game, and buy it. Our ambition is to have a library of games where you can choose any game you like.
And please, don't hesitate to give us feedback on the site, or what games you would like to see.
We hope you'll find something you like!

Selling point: No administration! Simply input your game information, add your game keys and set access requirements. Custom requirement features coming soon. Currently all Twitch Partners get access to games.

Game Devlopers want their games to be seen. Especially indie developers without a marketing budget have a hard time getting through to consumers.
We want to change that.
We believe that if you make a great game that people enjoy, you deserve to be seen. So why not let gamers with an audience play your game?
With a single click any Twitch Influencer with an audience can play you game.

Who gets access to my game?
The requirement to get access to your game is for a user to have status of Twitch Partner. This means he or she is considered an reliable and active Twitch streamer. Usually this means he or she has around 100 avg. viewers minimum, which will give you an estimated reach of around 400 viewers per hour.

Streampeak helps brands collaborate and work with Gaming Influencers on their terms.
Want to set up a campaign for your new product? We know what Twitch Influencers want, how they want to collaborate and most importantly, who suits your needs!
We'll track your reach, engagement and brand mentions and ensure your campaign is a success! Visit streampeak.com for contact information.

What data do we store, and how are we using it?

Passwords: We do not store any passwords. We strictly rely on social logins such as twitch and google which means they handle the passwords. That means your passwords are as safe as when you login to your google or twitch account. Our intention is to store as little data on you as possible. When we do store your data we will do our best to make it obvious what data we store, and what we're using it for. We'll never redistribute or sell your information to a third party unless explicitly stated and with your consent.
Currently users can log in using either their google account or their twitch account.

Google account: When signing in as a game developer using your google account we store your email address and your display name.

Twitch account: When signing in using your twitch account we store your email adress, twitch bio, display name, avatar url and your partner status.

GDPR: The General Data Protection Regulation, enforced by the European Union (Read more) is enforced by law and regulates how private information such as names, email addresses, political stance, sexual orientation, etc are handled. The main principle is that you have the right to your own data. That means, among other things that you have the right to request all data we have on you and to request deletion of that data.

Request your data to be removed: We're still in early development and are working on implementing all nessessary functions for you to delete and manage your data yourself. In the meantime, if you have questions or want your data removed, please contact us by emailing privacy at streampeak dot com or using any of the contact or feedback forms on the site. There is one in the footer of this page.